We are all human!

What is the Discovery Space?

The Discovery Space is a confidential community coaching space which explores anything which is current for those who attend. From personal experiences, local issues, current affairs and good news (which is always encouraged!). It is also an opportunity to explore the mind, thinking and the trajectory of group and personal thoughts.


In 2017 as a result of the Muslim ban in the US, the founder felt that something needed to be done. For people to really get to know each another irrespective of age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or profession. As Humans.

Seeing a 5 year old handcuffed at an airport in the States (she had 5 year old herself at the time) both angered and saddened her. As a coach, Mahnaz sought coaching from a colleague (Nat) and through this The Discovery Space came into being.

By Who and for Who?

The Discovery Spaces are run by local facilitators/coaches in the communities in which they live, which may be coupled with other holistic skills. People who are invested in the well being of people in their neighbourhood. They hold a safe space for enquiry, change and sometimes challenge.

How much does it cost?

Discovery Space coaches began and often continue to provide a service as part of the “gift economy” (an economy based on giving in the context of relationship rather than making transactions for profit or personal material gain) to their communities. It is an opportunity for facilitators/coaches to use their skills to give back. This has evolved with local projects with varying cross sections of the community and have sometimes been funded locally, nationally or through voluntary donations by guests. In some cases gifts have been received through food/venue donations. All of which have been gratefully received to support the ongoing running of our spaces and the initiatives which have been created through this space.